2024 Thursday 5th December Seminars

08:55 - 09:00

Welcome from the Chair


  • Prof Ann McNeill Professor of Tobacco Addiction - Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience, King's College London
09:00 - 09:15

Opening Keynote: Conceptualising THR and balancing clinical and population considerations


  • Prof Peter Selby Giblon Professor and Vice Chair of Research - Department of Family and Community Medicine, University of Toronto
09:15 - 09:30

The Tobacco & Vapes Bill


  • Richard Boden Head of Tobacco Control and Gambling, Addictions Team - Office for Health Improvement and Disparities, Department of Health and Social Care
09:30 - 09:45

Situating e-cigarettes for harm reduction in the wider context: An update on emerging trends in smoking and cessation in England in 2024


  • Prof Jamie Brown Professor of Behavioural Science and Health - University College London (UCL)
09:45 - 10:00

Cochrane Review evidence: Updates on e-cigarettes for quitting smoking and emerging evidence on ways to quit vaping

Nicola will describe the most up-to-date evidence from the Cochrane systematic review of e-cigarettes for smoking cessation. What do we know? What do we still need to know? What is the current status of this living review of the evidence? Nicola will also discuss a new Cochrane systematic review investigating methods of quitting vaping, initial observations, and what comes next.


  • Dr. Nicola Lindson Associate Professor in the Centre for Evidence Based Medicine - University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom
10:00 - 10:15

Where should our priorities be – toxicology or behaviour?


  • Prof Alan Boobis, OBE Emeritus Professor of Toxicology & Chair - UK Committee on Toxicity - Imperial College London
10:15 - 10:30

Part 2: Complex problems, clumsy solutions and the court of public opinion


  • Prof Sanjay Agrawal Professor of Respiratory Science, Institute of Lung Health - University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust, Special Advisor on Tobacco, Royal College of Physicians
10:30 - 10:50

Panel Discussion with Q&A: Balancing regulatory responsibilities to improve public health


  • Prof Ann McNeill Professor of Tobacco Addiction - Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience, King's College London


  • Prof Peter Selby Giblon Professor and Vice Chair of Research - Department of Family and Community Medicine, University of Toronto
  • Prof Jamie Brown Professor of Behavioural Science and Health - University College London (UCL)
  • Prof Sanjay Agrawal Professor of Respiratory Science, Institute of Lung Health - University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust, Special Advisor on Tobacco, Royal College of Physicians
  • Prof Alan Boobis, OBE Emeritus Professor of Toxicology & Chair - UK Committee on Toxicity - Imperial College London
  • Dr. Nicola Lindson Associate Professor in the Centre for Evidence Based Medicine - University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom
10:50 - 11:10


11:10 - 11:25

Vaping & Illicit Drugs: Promises and pitfalls


  • Dr Tom Freeman Director, Addiction and Mental Health Group - University of Bath
11:25 - 11:40

Title coming soon

11:40 - 11:55

E-cigarettes for smoking cessation among people experiencing homelessness (Project SCeTCH)


  • Dr Sharon Cox Principal Research Fellow, Tobacco and Alcohol Research Group - University College London (UCL)
11:55 - 12:10

Understanding & addressing harm perceptions


  • Dr Katie East Research Fellow, Society for the Study of Addiction (SSA) Griffith Edwards Academic Fellow - Nicotine Research Group, King's College London
12:10 - 12:25

Packaging, flavours and nicotine descriptions on nicotine and tobacco products, impacts on appeal and perceptions among adults and youth


  • Dr Eve Taylor Research Associate - Nicotine Research Group - King's College London (KCL)
12:25 - 12:40

Maximising benefits. Minimising unintended consequences

As interest and evidence build on action to discourage youth vaping, so does the evidence of unintended consequences. Jasmine and Martin will map out some of the foreseeable unintended consequences with a view to informing policies that take them into account and ideally, to minimise them


  • Dr Jasmine Khouja Senior Research Associate - University of Bristol
  • Martin Dockrell Tobacco Control Programme Lead - Office of Health Improvement & Disparities (OHID)
12:40 - 13:00

Panel Discussion with Q&A: Identifying effective interventions to minimise unintended consequences


  • Prof Ann McNeill Professor of Tobacco Addiction - Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience, King's College London


  • Dr Jasmine Khouja Senior Research Associate - University of Bristol
  • Martin Dockrell Tobacco Control Programme Lead - Office of Health Improvement & Disparities (OHID)
  • Dr Tom Freeman Director, Addiction and Mental Health Group - University of Bath
  • Dr Sharon Cox Principal Research Fellow, Tobacco and Alcohol Research Group - University College London (UCL)
  • Dr Katie East Research Fellow, Society for the Study of Addiction (SSA) Griffith Edwards Academic Fellow - Nicotine Research Group, King's College London
  • Dr Eve Taylor Research Associate - Nicotine Research Group - King's College London (KCL)
13:00 - 13:45


13:45 - 14:00

What next for vaping in the UK?


14:00 - 14:15

UK regulations & enforcement

Challenges of Enforcement:  The UK Government is planning to introduce further legislation to reduce the attractiveness and availability of vaping products to children and protect the environment. Critics say there is no point in considering new regulations when the current ones are not enforced. Kate will discuss the challenges faced by the authorities in enforcing the current regulations and how new legislation may help or hinder attempts to prevent children from using vapes while maintaining their availability and attractiveness for smoking cessation.


  • Kate Pike Lead Officer for Tobacco and Vaping - Chartered Trading Standards Institute
  • Craig Copland Head of E-Cigarettes, Healthcare, Quality and Access Group - MHRA - The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency
14:15 - 14:30

Recent Changes in NZ


14:30 - 14:45

Australia’s unique nicotine regulatory framework – can light touch medicines regulation work?


  • Prof Coral Gartner Director of Research - University of Queensland's School of Public Health
14:40 - 15:55

U.S kids no longer smoke. Why aren’t we celebrating?


  • Prof Kenneth Warner Avedis Donabedian Distinguished University Professor Emeritus and Dean Emeritus - School of Public Health, University of Michigan
14:45 - 15:00

EU Regulations: Vaping, pouches & flavours


15:00 - 15:20

Panel Discussion with Q&A: Worst fears & Optimal Outcomes


  • Prof Ann McNeill Professor of Tobacco Addiction - Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience, King's College London


  • Hazel Cheeseman Chief Executive - ASH (Action on Smoking & Health)
  • Kate Pike Lead Officer for Tobacco and Vaping - Chartered Trading Standards Institute
  • Craig Copland Head of E-Cigarettes, Healthcare, Quality and Access Group - MHRA - The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency
  • Prof Coral Gartner Director of Research - University of Queensland's School of Public Health
  • Ben Youdan Director - ASH New Zealand
  • Pablo Cano Trilla Head of Legal Analysis - ECigIntelligence
15:20 - 15:40


15:55 - 16:10

Influences on smoking & vaping transitions


16:10 - 16:25

Regulatory environments & objectives


16:25 - 16:40

Where great opportunities met reality. Lessons from the U.S regulatory experience


  • Jeff Weiss Writer & Commentator - Former Chief Engagement Officer of NJOY, Independent
16:40 - 16:55

Roadmap to ending smoking


  • Prof Robert Beaglehole Emeritus Professor - University of Auckland, New Zealand & Chair ASH - Action for Smokefree 2025, NZ
16:55 - 17:10



17:10 - 17:30

Panel Discussion with Q&A: Is smoking still the main problem?


  • Prof Ann McNeill Professor of Tobacco Addiction - Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience, King's College London


  • Prof Kenneth Warner Avedis Donabedian Distinguished University Professor Emeritus and Dean Emeritus - School of Public Health, University of Michigan
  • Dr Alexandria Andrayas Senior Research Associate - Cancer Research UK - TARG, University of Bristol
  • Clive Bates Director - Counterfactual Consulting Ltd
  • Jeff Weiss Writer & Commentator - Former Chief Engagement Officer of NJOY, Independent
  • Prof Robert Beaglehole Emeritus Professor - University of Auckland, New Zealand & Chair ASH - Action for Smokefree 2025, NZ
  • Ailsa Rutter OBE Director - Fresh and Balance