AGENDA 2022 - coming soon
The E-Cigarette Summit UK, 2022 will take place at the Royal College of Physicians on 9th December in London. This will be our 10th Annual Summit and will provide a comprehensive review of what we have learnt over the last decade, the questions we have answered, the questions that remain and the questions we weren’t expecting. Speakers will be attending in-person but there is a virtual attendance option for delegates that cannot travel.
The full agenda will be announced later in September. We look forward to seeing you again.
The programme and details below are for The E-Cigarette Summit UK, 2021 which was held virtually on 7-8 December. We would like to thank our Chairs and Speakers for their continued support in creating this programme. Below is the full showcase of the 2021 UK Summit including speaker presentations and panel discussions.
To view a printable PDF of the 2021 agenda please click here
SESSION 1: Science & Evidence
10:00 - 10:10
Welcome from the Chair
10:10 - 10:25
OPENING KEYNOTE: What will success look like?
- Prof Robert Beaglehole Emeritus Professor - University of Auckland, New Zealand & Chair ASH - Action for Smokefree 2025, NZ
10:25 - 10:40
Depolarizing E-Cigarette Research: The need for epistemic humility
- Professor Marcus Munafò Professor of Biological Psychology and MRC Investigator - School of Psychological Science, University of Bristol
10:40 - 10:55
Do e-cigarettes help people quit smoking? A plea to focus on the evidence
10:55 - 11:10
The need to unbias the application of competing interest principles in e-cigarette research
11:10 - 11:25
11:25 - 11:40
Could e-cigarettes contribute to harm reduction for children as well as adults?
11:40 - 12:10
Panel discussion and live Q&A
- Prof Robert Beaglehole Emeritus Professor - University of Auckland, New Zealand & Chair ASH - Action for Smokefree 2025, NZ
- Professor Marcus Munafò Professor of Biological Psychology and MRC Investigator - School of Psychological Science, University of Bristol
12:10 - 12:50
SESSION 2: THR & Tobacco Control
12:50 - 12:55
Introduction from the Chair
- Prof Thomas J. Glynn, PhD Adjunct Lecturer - Stanford Prevention Research Center, Stanford University School of Medicine
12:55 - 13:10
Is there a place for low-risk nicotine ‘alternatives’ on the market when smoking is about to disappear?
13:10 - 13:25
The tobacco control climate in Germany
- Prof Daniel Kotz Professor in addiction research and clinical epidemiology, Institute of General Practice - Centre for Health and Society, Medical Faculty of the Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf, Germany
13:25 - 13:40
Reconsidering the meaning of tobacco harm reduction
13:40 - 13:55
Australia doubles down on its e-cigarette sales ban
- Prof Wayne Hall Professor Emeritus, National Centre for Youth Substance Use Research - The University of Queensland
13:55 - 14:10
The new tobacco wars
14:10 - 14:45
Panel discussion and live Q&A
- Prof Thomas J. Glynn, PhD Adjunct Lecturer - Stanford Prevention Research Center, Stanford University School of Medicine
- Prof Daniel Kotz Professor in addiction research and clinical epidemiology, Institute of General Practice - Centre for Health and Society, Medical Faculty of the Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf, Germany
- Prof Wayne Hall Professor Emeritus, National Centre for Youth Substance Use Research - The University of Queensland
14:45 - 15:00
SESSION 3: Tobacco control, regulation and enforcement
15:00 - 15:05
Introduction from the Chair
15:05 - 15:20
MHRA Regulatory Update
15:20 - 15:35
The challenge of e-cigarette enforcement
- Kate Pike Co-ordinator - Trading Standards North West - Member of the Department of Health and Social Care National Tobacco Focus Group
15:35 - 15:50
A stitch in time: safeguarding UK market from youth uptake
15:50 - 16:05
Balancing regulation to achieve intended consequences
- Marcus Saxton Chairman - Independent British Vape Trade Association (IBVTA)
16:05 - 16:20
Unintended market consequences from the regulation of vape products in the US, and the prospects for future regulation in Europe
16:20 - 16:55
Panel discussion and live Q&A
- Kate Pike Co-ordinator - Trading Standards North West - Member of the Department of Health and Social Care National Tobacco Focus Group
- Marcus Saxton Chairman - Independent British Vape Trade Association (IBVTA)
SESSION 4: THR & Public Health Policy
10:00 - 10:05
Welcome from the Chair
10:05 - 10:20
Nicotine policy in England: Recent developments and Future plans to make smoking obsolete
10:20 - 10:35
England – the frontrunner on vaping, not the outlier
10:35 - 10:50
The 2021 review of NICE’s tobacco guidelines
- Paul Lincoln OBE Chair - Tobacco: preventing uptake, promoting quitting and treating tobacco dependence - (NICE) National Institute of Clinical and Health Excellence -
10:50 - 11:05
Combustible Tobacco Age-of-Sale Laws: An Opportunity?
- Dr Michael Pesko Health Economist & Associate Professor - Department of Economics, Andrew Young School of Policy Studies, Georgia State University
11:05 - 11:20
11:20 - 11:35
The potential role of the cigarette industry in the future of the e-cigarette market
- Prof David Levy Professor of Oncology - Lombardl Comprehensive Cancer Center, Georgetown University
11:35 - 12:10
Panel discussion and live Q&A
- Dr Michael Pesko Health Economist & Associate Professor - Department of Economics, Andrew Young School of Policy Studies, Georgia State University
- Prof David Levy Professor of Oncology - Lombardl Comprehensive Cancer Center, Georgetown University
12:10 - 12:50
SESSION 5: Research & Public Health Policy
12:50 - 12:55
Introduction from the Chair
12:55 - 13:10
E-cigarette research: Misinterpretation and selective use of evidence guiding regulatory decisions
- Dr Konstantinos Farsalinos M.D External Research Associate - University of Patras, Department of Public and Community Health, University of West Attica, Greece
13:10 - 13:25
Absolute and relative risks of electronic cigarettes
13:25 - 13:40
Nicotine and pregnant smokers:
13:40 - 13:55
Depression causes vaping!
13:55 - 14:10
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on e-cigarette and tobacco use in the UK
14:10 - 14:55
Panel discussion and live Q&A
- Dr Konstantinos Farsalinos M.D External Research Associate - University of Patras, Department of Public and Community Health, University of West Attica, Greece
14:45 - 15:00
SESSION 6: Nicotine Policy & Public Health
15:00 - 15:05
Introduction from the Chair
15:05 - 15:20
Shifting the Paradigm: Tobacco Control and Tobacco Harm Reduction are Scientifically Complementary Approaches to Reducing Illness and Saving Lives
- Cliff Douglas JD Director, Tobacco Research Network, Adjunct Professor, Dep't of Health Management and Policy - University of Michigan School of Public Health
15:20 - 15:35
Parents: The Untapped Resource for Balancing Cessation and Prevention Needs:
- Prof Robin Mermelstein Distinguished Professor of Psychology & Director, Institute for Health Research and Policy - University of Illinois, Chicago
15:35 - 15:50
Greater Manchester is making smoking history: Meeting people where they are and not where we think they should be
- Andrea Crossfield MBE Independent Public Health Consultant and Population Health Policy Specialist - Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership
15:50 - 16:05
The key role of vaping in medical practice. Time for doctors to get on board.
- Dr Colin Mendelsohn MB BS (Hons) General practitioner, Founding Chairman - Australian Tobacco Harm Reduction Association
16:05 - 16:20
CLOSING KEYNOTE: Covid-19 and tobacco harm reduction: are there lessons from the pandemic for the way ahead?
- Prof Linda Bauld, OBE Bruce and John Usher Chair in Public Health in the Usher Institute - College of Medicine, University of Edinburgh
16:20 - 16:50
Panel discussion and live Q&A
- Cliff Douglas JD Director, Tobacco Research Network, Adjunct Professor, Dep't of Health Management and Policy - University of Michigan School of Public Health
- Prof Robin Mermelstein Distinguished Professor of Psychology & Director, Institute for Health Research and Policy - University of Illinois, Chicago
- Andrea Crossfield MBE Independent Public Health Consultant and Population Health Policy Specialist - Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership
- Prof Linda Bauld, OBE Bruce and John Usher Chair in Public Health in the Usher Institute - College of Medicine, University of Edinburgh
- Dr Colin Mendelsohn MB BS (Hons) General practitioner, Founding Chairman - Australian Tobacco Harm Reduction Association
16:50 - 17:00