Is smoking still the main problem?
Archives: Seminars
CLOSING KEYNOTE: Real people living in real communities: Are we doing enough to make a smoke-free future a reality for everyone?
This session will reflect on the cultural norms experienced in the North East of England and how, two decades since the launch of Fresh and a collaborative approach to focus on tobacco smoking, rates have dropped 62%, the largest in England. Despite this significant progress, smoking is still killing too many loved ones each day,… Read more »
Influences on smoking & vaping transitions
Dr Alexandria Andrayas will present evidence from the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC), exploring how smoking behaviours evolve from adolescence into early adulthood. Her talk will also delve into the transitions young adults take from smoking to quitting with or without e-cigarettes or to dual use of both cigarettes and e-cigarettes. Dr… Read more »
Accelerating the end of smoking
The WHO voluntary target of a 30% reduction in adult tobacco use by 2030 from a 2010 baseline will be reached, notably by women. However, the prevalence rate of tobacco use in men will still be 30% in 2030. The target does not acknowledge the vast differences in prevalence by country, gender, or type of… Read more »
When unintended consequences are the main consequence: Rethinking regulation
Has the nicotine market become ungovernable? When regulatory superpowers like the United States and Australia have over 90% of the e-cigarette market supplied through unauthorised channels, what’s going on, and what can we learn? Is there a guiding principle we can draw for regulation? Everyone wants to square the circle between preventing youth uptake and… Read more »
Where great opportunities met reality. Lessons from the U.S regulatory experience
The US Pre-Market Tobacco Application (PMTA) is a complex and expensive application process overseen by the FDA, designed to provide a path to market for reduced-harm products. Rigorous FDA review of company PMTAs was intended to ensure that authorized products were safer for the individual user and did not present an initiation risk among the nicotine… Read more »
U.S kids no longer smoke. Why aren’t we celebrating?
The near disappearance of youth smoking in the U.S. is one of the great public health triumphs of the present century. Yet, it is rarely mentioned. Shouldn’t we be shouting it from the mountaintops? Why aren’t we? This presentation explores factors responsible for the silence that has greeted this remarkable accomplishment. One is the public’s… Read more »
Panel Discussion with Q&A:
Worst fears & optimal outcomes
EU Regulations: Vaping, pouches & flavours
Flavours other than tobacco in vapes and nicotine pouch products are very common, and are generally regarded as pivotal to a users’ experience. This presentation will show how the vast majority of products on the market in Europe and around the world are currently non-tobacco flavours, and consumers report that such flavours are important to… Read more »
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