Situating e-cigarettes for harm reduction in the wider context

Time: 09:30 - 09:45

Date: 2024 Thursday 5th December

In this session, Jamie will provide an update on emerging trends in smoking and cessation in England in 2024 from the Smoking Toolkit Study. This long-term population study involves a monthly survey of a new sample of approximately 1,700 adults each month in England asking detailed questions on smoking, cessation and vaping. It has been running since 2006 and has collected data from over 400,000 adults across 215 monthly waves. A lot has changed in smoking, cessation and vaping profiles and trends, especially in the last 5 years. Jamie will synthesise emerging trends on topics including daily and non-daily smoking, non-cigarette smoking, menthol and hand-rolled smoking, overall use of inhaled nicotine, the use of smoking cessation aids – including newer products such as nicotine pouches and heated tobacco – and inequalities in smoking. He will conclude by reflecting on the possible implications of these findings for e-cigarette research and policy.


  • Prof Jamie Brown Professor of Behavioural Science and Health - University College London (UCL)

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