Maximising benefits. Minimising unintended consequences

Time: 11:10 - 11:25

Date: 2024 Thursday 5th December

Across the UK and globally government and public health bodies are focused on exploring effective measures to discourage youth vaping.  However, evidence of unintended consequences of potential vaping policies remains a concern. In this session, Jasmine and Martin will share fresh data on the “Policy Decision Making Aid” that will explore foreseeable unintended consequences and potential ideas to minimise them. Key policies to discuss include:

  • Reducing affordability (tax, minimum pack size)
  • Restricting appeal (flavours, packaging)
  • Reducing accessibility (Age of sale, licensing)


  • Dr Jasmine Khouja Senior Research Associate - University of Bristol
  • Martin Dockrell Tobacco Control Programme Lead - Office of Health Improvement & Disparities (OHID)

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