Reaching ‘the unreachable’: Responding to people in high-risk smoking groups during the Covid-19 pandemic
Time: 14:30 - 14:40
Date: Friday 4th December
Even before the Covid-19 pandemic the UK was a widely divided nation in terms of health outcomes and quality of life. Contributing to this is tobacco smoking and dependence. Smoking rates are disproportionately high amongst those living with substance disorders, without secure accommodation and with a severe mental illness. Early in the pandemic it was highlighted that smokers living with these comorbidities were at increased risk of infection and needed help to quit smoking and to reduce risky smoking practices. In this talk case examples and survey data will highlight some of the third sectors response through the offer of an e-cigarette to adults seeking shelter and using drug services. The precariousness of this ‘tobacco teachable moment’ will also be discussed, highlighting how poor science and media reporting can undermine these efforts.
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