Balancing regulation to achieve intended consequences
Time: 15:50 - 16:05
Date: Tuesday 7th December 2021
Thoroughly evaluating where the regulatory sweet spots lie requires careful critical thinking if the desired outputs, net of unintended consequences, are to be delivered. All too often, there is inadequate thought given to explore the potential for unintended consequences of regulation, which at face value aim to focus on consumer harm reduction, but often without the nuances that the real world brings. In this presentation, I will outline some of the more topical areas of regulatory discussion; from flavour bans, to plain(er) packaging, and to advertising and youth vaping, including the use of retail-based EPOS data. In doing so I hope to give a perspective on where sweeter areas may lie.
Marcus Saxton Chairman - Independent British Vape Trade Association (IBVTA)
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