E-cigarettes for smoking cessation among people experiencing homelessness (Project SCeTCH)
Time: 11:40 - 11:55
Date: 2024 Thursday 5th December
Smoking among people experiencing homelessness is extremely high, and as smoking rates come down, it leads to a widening of health and social inequalities. Project SCeTCH is a nationwide cluster randomised controlled trial for people accessing homeless services delivered by people who work within the services. Over the 3-year trial, 477 people accessing 32 homeless services were randomised to receive either an e-cigarette starter pack (intervention) or a referral to the stop smoking service (usual care). This talk will present the study findings, including findings from our qualitative process evaluation and consider broader implications of reducing smoking in line with national treatment and policy agendas, such as Swap to Stop and the Smokefree Future.
Dr Sharon Cox Principal Research Fellow, Tobacco and Alcohol Research Group - University College London (UCL)
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