Shifting the Paradigm: Tobacco Control and Tobacco Harm Reduction are Scientifically Complementary Approaches to Reducing Illness and Saving Lives
Time: 15:05 - 15:20
Date: Wednesday 8th December 2021
The US Food and Drug Administration’s recent authorization of certain e-cigarettes and other non combustible tobacco products under its premarket tobacco products application process confirmed the agency’s understanding that e-cigarettes and other alternative nicotine-containing consumer products are significantly less harmful than tobacco products that are burned. The FDA determined that these products can be good for the protection of public health, potentially helping millions of addicted adult smokers quit smoking. While imperfect, the PMTA process is now facilitating the transition to a new era in which adult consumers have access to far less harmful alternatives and develop greater, more accurate understanding regarding the risks and benefits of nicotine. The essence of this process is objective, nonpoliticized scientific inquiry and review. The scientific research community must take advantage of this new opportunity to disseminate credible scientific findings to better educate the public, the public health and medical communities, the media and decision-makers.
Cliff Douglas JD Director, Tobacco Research Network, Adjunct Professor, Dep't of Health Management and Policy - University of Michigan School of Public Health
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