Nicotine policy in England: Recent developments and Future plans to make smoking obsolete
Time: 10:05 - 10:20
Date: Wednesday 8th December 2021
The pandemic has resulted in big changes in public health. Not only have structures changed as PHE transitions to the Office of Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID), but smoking behaviours have been in turmoil and the data on a new respiratory virus has had complex implications for smoking and health. The Summit comes just after the publication of NICE guidance that will offer the clearest advice yet on providing e-cigarettes as a stop smoking aid which will result in revisions to the UK’s CLeaR Tobacco Control system-led improvement tools. This talk will focus on the role of e-cigarettes in context of the UK’s comprehensive tobacco control environment that looks to maximise the opportunities for smoking cessation while managing risks. It will look at other developments such as the recent Cochrane review, AJPH paper and John Newton’s editorial in response
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