The State of the harm reduction debate in the United States
Time: 15:55 - 16:10
Date: Friday 9th December, 2022
Mr. Zeller will share his views on the evolution of the harm reduction debate in the United States, where for nearly 30 years he has played a central role. He will talk about the process of achieving consensus around harm reduction and the continuum of risk in the 2005-2009 Strategic Dialogue on Tobacco Harm Reduction, which he co-led, and in the adoption of the Tobacco Control Act in 2009, which provided a mechanism for FDA review and authorization of true reduced risk products. He will describe the current stalemate in the U.S. on issues related to tobacco harm reduction and e-cigarettes. Finally, Mr. Zeller will close with thoughts on one potential endgame strategy focused on making combustible tobacco products minimally or nonaddictive.
Mitch Zeller, J.D Director (Retired) Center for Tobacco Products (CTP) - The Food & Drug Administration (FDA)
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