Dr Ruth Sharrock

Clinical Lead for Tobacco Dependency for the North East & North Cumbria ICS
Respiratory Consultant, Queen Elizabeth Hospital - Gateshead
Dr Sharrock is a Respiratory Consultant at Gateshead Health NHS FT and Clinical Lead for Tobacco Dependency within the NENC ICS. Ruth’s passion to treat tobacco dependency arises from seeing the harm caused by tobacco on the front line within the NHS. Ruth has worked across NENC to support Foundation Trusts to implement the Tobacco Dependency Treatment Services as per the NHS Long Term Plan. She contributes to many other work streams encouraging them to embed identification of and treatment for tobacco dependency as a core component of prevention and for it’s critical role in addressing Health Inequalities. Ruth is passionate about developing barrier-free support for those who smoke has worked alongside colleagues to deliver a region wide NHS staff smoking cessation offer that saw huge success, including the adoption of vapes as part of comprehensive offer of support.
Speaker in
- The North East North Cumbria’s approach to vaping and a respiratory clinician’s perspective
Thursday 16th November 2023 14:15 - Panel Discussion and Q&A: How do we balance treatment for tobacco dependence and the desire for recreational use of nicotine?
Thursday 16th November 2023 15:00
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