Panel Discussion and Q&A: How do we balance treatment for tobacco dependence and the desire for recreational use of nicotine?
Time: 15:00 - 15:20
Date: Thursday 16th November 2023
- Should we be using public money to support people who use nicotine products across the spectrum to quit?
- What are the pros and cons of the “prescription only model” for e-cigarettes, as proposed and enacted in other counties?
- Why is harm reduction a recognised tool for many societal issues, but so controversial in tobacco control?
- Have vaping and THR debates facilitated or distracted from the focus on ending the smoking epidemic?
- Has the UK approach targeted the right people with the right message?
- Rachel McIlvenna Smokefree NHS Strategic Manager - North East and North Cumbria ICB
- Dr Ruth Sharrock Clinical Lead for Tobacco Dependency for the North East & North Cumbria ICS - Respiratory Consultant, Queen Elizabeth Hospital - Gateshead
- Dr Sharifa Ezat Wan Puteh Professor of Hospital Management and Health Economics and Deputy Dean (Relation & Wealth Creation) - Faculty of Medicine, UKM Medical Centre
- Louise Ross Clinical Consultant, NCSCT - Chair and Mental Health Lead, New Nicotine Alliance
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