Archives: Seminars

A conceptual model for measuring and understanding the possible role of alternative nicotine products and policies for reducing smoking

Research over the past decade has provided evidence for the potential of harm reduction from e-cigarettes, but there are considerable challenges along the path from potential to reality, of which a key component is the extent to which e-cigarettes can help smokers quit. Clinical trials have demonstrated the efficacy of e-cigarettes as a cessation aid,… Read more »

When the end game is not the end – the new battlelines in Norway

The status of reduced-risk products in a smokefree society In Norway has meant that practically no one initiates cigarette smoking any longer. The prevalence of daily smoking in the age-group 16-24 years has dropped below the 2% mark. The remaining smokers are typically in their 60’s. Within few decades Norway will probably be almost smokefree,… Read more »

The State of the harm reduction debate in the United States

Mr. Zeller will share his views on the evolution of the harm reduction debate in the United States, where for nearly 30 years he has played a central role.  He will talk about the process of achieving consensus around harm reduction and the continuum of risk in the 2005-2009 Strategic Dialogue on Tobacco Harm Reduction,… Read more »

CLOSING KEYNOTE: The UK government’s approach to e-cigarettes

Deborah Arnott will set out how the UK government’s approach to e-cigarettes is misunderstood and overstated both by those who support and oppose the role of these products in helping bring about the end of smoking. She will make a plea for both sides to recognise that the UK government positions harm reduction in tobacco… Read more »

Illusions, delusions, and a few conclusions

To paraphrase the Cheshire Cat in Alice in Wonderland, “if you don’t know where you are going, any road will take you there”. Are we thrashing about doing the wrong things in public health and tobacco control because we have wrong or outdated models of the phenomena we are dealing with? Many professionally engaged in tobacco… Read more »

The achievability of a UK medicinal licence

A medicinally-authorized e-cigarette has been a topic of discussion since before the first Summit in 2013.  There were those who argued that only medicinally-licensed e-cigarettes should be on the market, while others believed that a medicinal-only marketplace would be accessible only for the big tobacco companies – who arguably had the least incentive to lead… Read more »

Avoiding missteps in nicotine regulation: what can we learn from patterns of nicotine intake from cigarettes?

Policies to shift the market for nicotine from cigarettes to non-combustibles (as, for example, the mooted FDA proposal to reduce the absolute bioavailability of nicotine from cigarettes to non-reinforcing levels) have as an essential component the development of consumer-acceptable alternative novel nicotine products. Regulators may seek to set limits for the nicotine dose available from… Read more »